Who Are We?
IT PROJECTS MEDIA is an ideal platform to integrate all those actively involved in an IT solution or product development process.
IT PROJECTS MEDIA helps clients take full advantage of the complete IT project management cycle from mission-critical and large-scale IT enterprises, beginning with an accurate definition of business objectives and proper setup, extending all the way to project execution, delivery, and support, thus ensuring customer delight and success. Proactive management of both business and IT activities is key to achieving business results, objectives, and vision. Our role is to help clients identify potential effectiveness areas in IT Project Consulting, be it Website Design & Development, Software, Web & Mobile App Development, Online & Digital Marketing, Multimedia/Animated Video Production & Print solutions, Product Testing, Startup/SME solutions, Product Re-selling, or IT Process Management areas including Outsourcing/Offshore services, Staff Augmentation or Project Lifecycle Planning, ensuring successful deployment of any IT transformation platform, or, in some cases, we propose a sound corrective action plan to put a seemingly faltering project back on the progress track..
Greater focus on Delivery
IT Projects Media, based out of the entrepreneurial and enterprising city of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, India, has a more refined focus for delivery, as we focus mainly on planning and implementing solutions explicit to the project at hand. This means you need not worry about the bigger picture, i.e. propelling your business growth, enhancing productivity, and macro-managing your firm and employees.

Price Comparison
Though we leverage our expertise and experience regarding IT project development and management, we have helped several customers compare price quotes for product/solution implementation, and by this, we ensure the best outcome for your project.
With short-term support solutions, our resources are accessible on demand during the client’s work day or after-hours as the project development requires. Furthermore, the team size can be scaled up or down-sized depending on the client’s immediate needs, thus ensuring no project is left scanty without resources, or ‘overly’ populated.
Filing the Expert’s Shoes
A project’s size, complexity, and scope can be daunting even for the most experienced team of hands; the project management expertise required in the right direction to sail home will prove crucial to a project’s success. In these instances, count on us to provide you with the know-how to drive any project, or even the minutiae of tasks to a successful outcome.


Senthilkumar Rajappan

Senior Mentor