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Animated Explainer Videos for SEO,SEM & Digital Marketing

Animated Explainer Videos for SEO & SEM, Video & Online/Digital Marketing

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of pulling more traffic to your website and making it rank higher in the search results of all major search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, etc. It is also synonymous with SEM, which is nothing but Search Engine Marketing. As the word marketing implies, it is all about promoting a website, attracting potential clicks thereby increasing your business or sales. Online Marketing accomplishes this job in a creative, engaging, and innovative way ensuring the process conveys information highly relevant to the concept, business idea, or product. This form of marketing uses different strategies and The New Kid in the Block is an explainer video. Believe it or not, explainer videos are one of the most powerful sources of SEO and SEM besides a few traditional methods. They make it easy to get your point across to your potential customers.

As the name suggests, explainer videos are used to explain a concept using a video as the medium. Based on marketing, they are used to promote any product, service, solution, or even an idea that could ignite interest and awe. These videos last about one or two minutes and convey all the required details in such a short duration. Thus, explainer videos became synonymous with disseminating information & ideas in the shortest timeframe possible, making a huge impact on marketing. Most leading global brands adopt explainer video strategies to nicety. It has become part and parcel of their websites. Due to the evolving speed of the internet, people choose to watch interactive videos over reading an entire article of boring texts.

Video Marketing is here to stay!

Did we say video Marketing is here to stay? Yes, explainer videos have another important feature: go-to-share. The video can be easily shared with users and potential customers on various platforms such as social networking websites, microsites, blogs, etc. These videos are made using a combination of animations and text to convey key messages. They may also illustrate how a product works generally known as demo videos. These videos can also show statistical information which can hugely impact the mind.

Explainer videos are made in different ways deploying a gamut of technological platforms. Graphic artists work on the details explaining the concept, with post-production work done to an extent. The next method is live action animation which uses stop motion graphics. This is followed by motion graphics animation with animations combined with hand-drawn illustrations. Advanced hand-crafted animation is another form that is largely created by hand-drawn illustrations.

Finally Videos vs. Text!

Explainer videos have a host of advantages in marketing platforms. Watching a video is cool but reading an entire article is a different story for most of us. Explainer videos also take the information to those who can only assimilate a minimum amount of information given the fast-paced world it is. It can save precious time for your viewers and the people who are always on the move. The website owner can have that delicate, personal touch with his visitors through quality videos in terms of content and presentation. Thus explainer videos can rule the roost in the case of SEO and SEM process, with YouTube and Facebook competing for supremacy.